The aLIFEca project will offer a guide on how to evaluate the environmental impact of cutting-edge technologies in automotive. It will bring a new life cycle training that will help the automotive industry on the way to green and sustainable mobility. The shift to green mobility causes an unprecedent transformation of the Automotive Industry. Its restructuralization requires a massive support of up/re-skilling activities of current and future workforce, including students at secondary and tertiary education levels. Understanding the environmental impacts of green innovations is in the interest of the entire automotive ecosystem - vehicle manufacturers and distributors, manufacturing and management staff working in automotive, moreover, municipalities which decide on the direction of mobility and the support for the introduction of technological innovations in this field. Demand for qualified employees with comprehensive knowledge about environmental impact of new transport technologies is high across the whole automotive sector and accompanied services.
The main objective of the project aLIFEca is to develop a highly specialised and professional course of top quality on life cycle assessment in automotive which will be in a form of massive open online courses (MOOC). MOOCs represent innovative teaching and learning in their own character, being run online, aimed at unlimited participation worldwide and open access via the web. MOOCs deliver in an online environment, free and open classes to anyone who registers regardless of their skin colour, religion, age, gender or medical condition. The MOOC aLIFEca will be developed in the project consortium of four universities (Newton University, Silesian University of Technology, University of Zilina and VSB-Technical University of Ostrava) and two business consulting companies (Spin 360, SRL and Scoveco, s.r.o.) by 31st of October, 2023. It will be presented to the project target group at National MOOCs workshops, aLIFEca Webinar and Final aLIFEca Conference. The project is supported by international associations such as Automotive Skills Alliance (ASA) and European Automotive Manufacturers‘ Association (ACEA).