Prof. Martinek evaluates the main advantages of the Ph.D.: "This type of study at the FEECS gives students the opportunity to conduct their own research. This means engaging in innovative projects and discovering new technologies and processes. Ph.D. students are our scientific colleagues and it is up to them where they want to go professionally and professionally."
During their Ph.D. studies, students develop not only their specialization, but also skills in areas such as data analysis, critical thinking, problem solving and communication. These skills are valued not only in academia, but also in industry and the public sector. Prof. Martinek goes on to introduce the Ph.D. program at FEECS: "I see the successes of our Ph.D. students and postdocs every day and it is clear that they are a great asset to our research teams. It is absolutely crucial for any research department to develop the next generation of scientists who will take the department and the field further".
Ph.D. programmes allow students to collaborate with experts in their field and engage in international research projects. This provides valuable experience and allows students to build a network of professional contacts globally.
Those who missed the Open Day for Ph.D. on 27 February 2024 and thus the presentation of the possibilities of doctoral studies at the FEI can directly contact specific supervisors according to the chosen topic: