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Call for applications for Erasmus+ staff mobility in academic year 2024/25

Information on the Erasmus+ staff mobility call for academic year 2024/25.

Under the Erasmus+ programme, university staff have the opportunity to go on either a teaching or training mobility.

The teaching mobility is for academic staff and allows them to teach at a partner higher education institution abroad. It can involve any subject or academic discipline. Teaching takes place over a period of 2-5 days (teaching for a minimum of 8 hours per week or shorter). For a list of partner institutions that can be visited, click here.

The training mobility supports the professional development of teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training abroad (excluding conferences), shadowing of staff at the relevant workplace, listening to lectures or a professional course. The training shall take place over a period of 2-5 days at a partner higher education institution or any public or private organisation active in the labour market or education sector.

Erasmus+ participants are reimbursed for eligible travel and subsistence expenses up to the Erasmus+ contribution.

If you are interested in going abroad, please contact your faculty coordinator by 15 August 2024. The list of faculty coordinators can be found here. For the Rector's Office departments and university institutes, the coordinator is Mr. Jakub Němec,

Priority will be given to participants who will go to one of the U!REKA partner universities and to those who are going on an Erasmus+ mobility abroad for the first time.

More information about the Erasmus+ mobility conditions can be found here. If you have any further questions about the Erasmus+ mobility, please email

Created: 27. 6. 2024
Category:  News
Department: 9230 - University International Office