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A Series of Workshops For Researchers

Want to showcase your research, discover its commercial potential, and build valuable collaborations?

We invite researchers, scientists, businesses, and students to our workshops designed to connect the academic world with commercial opportunities.

PART 1: How to Generate Innovative and Commercially Valuable Technology Solutions

  • 26. 2. Online introductory session
  • 18. 3. The workshop, held in English by Hyun Park, will cover topics such as: fundamentals of commercializing innovation and technology, translating research into commercial innovation and collaboration with industry.

PART 2: Reverse Pitching – Building a Bridge Between Science and The Business World

  • 25. 3. Participants will engage in tackling challenges that connect the academic and business sectors. In the first part, the challenges will be presented through pitching presentations. Afterwards, researchers and students will discuss possible solutions with business experts.

More information about the program, including registration:

Created: 11. 2. 2025
Category:  News
Department: 9720 - Technology Transfer Centre