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Students´ Day

Students´ Day
Vyjádření rektora k 17. listopadu.

Dear students, dear colleagues,

17 November is approaching, the Students' Day, the Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy, which we commemorate every year and organize the Festive Meeting of the Scientific Council of our University. It reminds us of events fundamental to our republic, where university students participated significantly. The whole society felt that change was inevitable, and we were lucky that the Velvet Revolution was relatively "velvety".

At present, however, the whole republic is torn by various events, gatherings and news, which exacerbate the mood in society and lead to animosity between the bearers of different opinions. As a University, the fundamental values ​​are freedom, openness, responsibility and education. We constantly support the development of our students, employees and graduates in their studies, work and personal life. We also have processes to deal with all possible situations that may arise during your studies or work. So don't hesitate to use them if you get into a difficult situation.

Although the last few years have been extremely challenging, I believe that together we are able to secure and protect our values. So please, on behalf of myself and the University - do not be swept away by populism and misinformation. Let us focus on what we can contribute instead. Each of us has only limited ways in which we can help others. This must make us all the more pleased with our charitable activities such as TechnikaRun, collections for the beneficial Second-Hand Moment, the Christmas auction for the Ondrasek Mobile Hospice, the Blood Appeal and others. Every year we help hundreds of needy people, and we do so anonymously and selflessly. So it should also be a matter of course that we help each other within the University.

Thank you all for your contribution to the development of our University.

Prof. Václav Snášel


Created: 14. 11. 2022
Category:  News
Entered by:  Administrator
Department: 9920 - Public Relations