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  • Registration for the alumni network: completed
  • Newsletters, news from VSB-TUO and invitations to events: in my email
  • Benefits with graduate card: used

And what can you, alumni, offer us? Do you want to get involved? Find out what the possibilities are. If you are interested in any form of collaboration, get in touch

1. Research, questionnaire surveys

Thank you to all alumni who participate in research and questionnaire surveys. The results of these surveys are important feedback for the university management, a basis for strategic decisions on where to move VSB - Technical University of Ostrava forward. We are also very interested to read how you are doing in practice and how you are successfully using the knowledge you have gained during your studies.

We send out questionnaires to graduates registered in the Alumni Network who graduated less than 10 years ago, regularly every 2 years. Evaluation together with other surveys on graduate employability etc. We publish them on our website and send them out by newsletter.

Currently, questionnaire surveys are conducted in Czech only. 

2. Conducting and opposing final theses at VSB-TUO

Do you have enough experience, do you deal with innovative approaches in your practice, can you offer your time and space? If you are interested in supervising or opposing theses, please contact us at

3. Excursions, internships in your company

Do you want to offer students the opportunity to intern at your company, organize a field trip, are you looking for talent? Write to .

4. Lectures for students

Would you like to pass on your knowledge and experience to young people who are at the beginning of their careers? Let us know at

5. Mentoring

Want to become a mentor and help students with career and personal development? The VSB-TUO Career Centre is opening its mentoring programme in 2025. Want to get involved? Contact us at

Currently, mentoring programmme is in Czech only.

6. Volunteering

VSB-TUO is a socially responsible university that is involved in many different activities at all levels. Get involved as an alumni too!

7. Getting Involved in Campus Life

As alumni, you can get involved in everyday life at the university. You can become a member of student organisations whose activities are open to alumni, such as the VSB-TUO Orchestra, the Academic Choir, the University Sports Club. Or visit one of the many organised events (Art and Science, Night of Scientists etc.) in which you can volunteer.

8. Sponsorship

A common thing in Anglo-American countries, less so here, but it is a possibility. If you are interested, please contact us at .

And that's certainly not all. If you have an idea how to get involved at the university, get in touch
